Digital Learning Tools

Digital tools are an amazing asset for anyone wanting to incorporate global education into their lessons. I'm fortunate to teach in a school with 1-to-1 Chromebooks, which makes utilization of these resources even easier. Here are a few of my favorite resources and how I've used them in my classroom:

Digital pen pals from around the world are a great way to connect students with peers in other cultures. I used ePals in a global education class, but I could also easily use this activity in my core English Language Arts classes. There are also plenty of teachers looking to connect their classes for language learning. The site allows moderation of incoming and outgoing messages and requires teachers to partner groups of students. The format of the site takes some adjusting, but I was able to connect my students to classes in three different countries in one semester!


I would describe Flipgrid as a video-based social media site with teacher control. I love Flipgrid as an interactive way to share presentations. Rather than spending full class periods watching student presentations, I had my students share "elevator pitches" for their research project action plans. They could then watch their classmates' videos on their own and comment their thoughts (or click a reaction button). We were also able to share their presentations with a wider audience. (The site has customizable privacy settings, so you can limit to only the class or allow access to those with a password.) I've also used Flipgrid to connect my students with classes in other parts of the U.S. to collaborate on lessons.

Google Maps

Google Maps, especially with the various layers (like Satellite and Street View), is a great way to help students visualize the areas we discuss.  Never underestimate how "real" places and culture become when students actually seem them on a map. As we read Romeo & Juliet, my ninth graders were interested to find out that Verona and Mantua are real cities in Italy.

Google Meet

Google Meet is more than just a tool for hybrid learning during a pandemic -- it's great for live connections with people around the world! My students were able to do a live Google Meet to learn about culture in the country of Qatar from a couple of Qatari citizens. Time differences can be a big obstacle with live virtual exchanges like this, but the experience is worth it! Many of my students commented that was their favorite part of our global education class.

The 17 Goals

I used the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a focusing element in my senior English class's final project. This site was a great tool for them to learn about all 17 goals, then choose one (based on their interests/intended career paths) to focus their research papers and calls to action.

Global Newspapers

I used Global Newspapers with my seniors as well. This site has links to newspapers from around the world. While navigating the site can take some practice, it's a good way to help students see local and global connections (and also gain some perspective on how we are perceived by other countries). Once students navigate to another country's newspaper, note that you will need to teach them how to use the "translate" button (which usually will pop up automatically).

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This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the participant's own and do not represent the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, the U.S. Department of State, or IREX.