Global Education Unit Plan

The unit plan I created as part of the Teachers for Global Classrooms course is entirely based on a unit that I had done many times before in my 12th grade composition course. I simply updated the focus of the project to include the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and increased student engagement through interest and local action.

Unit Plan Standards

Nebraska Department of Education ELA Standards with added global elements

LA 12.2.1 Writing Process: Students will apply the writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writing using correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other conventions of standard English appropriate for grade-level.

Global element: Students will use the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to plan their research to incorporate both local and global perspectives.

LA 12.2.2 Writing Modes: Students will write in multiple modes for a variety of purposes and audiences across disciplines.

Global element: Students will communicate with local and international contacts through email, then develop the information they receive into outlines, proposals, and formal research essays.

LA 12.3.3 Reciprocal Communication: Students will develop, apply, and adapt reciprocal communication skills.

Global element: Students will interact with both local and international audiences to gather information and perspectives on their chosen topics.

LA 12.4.1 Information Fluency: Students will evaluate, create, and communicate information in a variety of media and formats (textual, visual, and digital).

Global element: Students will communicate through emails, phone calls, and/or video calls with their local and international contacts. They will also create brief call-to-action videos to share on Flipgrid.

LA 12.4.2 Digital Citizenship: Students will practice the norms of appropriate and responsible technology use.

Global element: Students will utilize websites for research that incorporate primary perspectives from other countries and cultures.

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