International Learning Resources

In addition to the resources listed in Digital Learning Tools, I have used these sites, lists, and strategies to engage and empower my students through global learning.

duolingo Embassies


Duolingo is a great resource for students to explore other languages, either on their own or as a class. I used Duolingo with students in my Cultural Awareness course so they could gain a better understanding of what it’s like to learn a second language. Each student was able to choose a language that fit their independent cultural exploration projects, and I could track their progress through the Schools section of the Duolingo site.


Reach out to embassies to the United States from various countries (whose offices are based in Washington, D.C.), or even to U.S. embassies located in other countries, for resources and contacts to help you or your students learn more about those countries/cultures. Some embassies are very helpful, while others may be too busy to handle such requests. I did have a student who took it upon himself to do this, and the embassy sent him posters, keychains, CDs, DVDs, and other great resources about that country!

Global Education Literature Lists

Because I primarily teach language arts, literature is a valuable way to globalize my classroom. Finding new texts to include can be a challenge, but here are some lists to get you started.
Culturally Responsive Book List for High School at Goodreads
Book globe
The Most Iconic Books Set in 150 Countries around the World at Global English Editing
Global Education Literature is my personal curation of texts (some read, some yet to be read) at Goodreads. I try to include texts on this list that present authentic perspectives from non-dominant and globally-representative cultures.
Actively Learn
Culturally Relevant Texts at Actively Learn (includes shorter texts)

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This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the participant's own and do not represent the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, the U.S. Department of State, or IREX.